Friday, June 24, 2011


Ducks, also called waterfowl, are aquatic birds, most often seen swimming in flocks in waters. Though they are close kin of geese and swans, they are often confused for other water birds like loons, grebes and coots. A female duck is called ‘hen’ and has orange beak and dull-brown feathers, unlike the drake (male duck) which has extravagant green plumage and wide flat yellow beak. The males use their colorful plumage to attract partners during the mating season. Many species of ducks are temporarily flightless when moulting. Ducks usually mate during the winters. There are different kinds of ducks like the diving ducks, sea ducks and dabbling ducks. While sea ducks feed deep underwater, dabbling ducks scours both water and land for food. To know more interesting and amazing information on this aquatic bird, read on


