Thursday, August 18, 2011

Quaker Parakeet

Physical Description

The quaker is a green bird with grey feathers on neck and forehead. The wings have hint of blue. Variations include a blue color and a very rare yellow color.

Note: The Quaker Parakeet is outlawed in many states, including : California, Wyoming, New Jersey, Hawaii, and Georgia. The reason they are outlawed in several states is because they are considered a potential agricultural pest. There are now established breeding colonies ( originally escaped pets) in several states, including New York, New Jersey, New Orleans-Louisiana, Dallas-Texas, Bridgeport/Fairfield CT, and Illinois.


11 Inches

Ave. Lifespan

30 - 35 years


For Greens -- Undeterminable by appearance. In the U.K. breeders are now breeding an 'Aquamarine' (as opposed to 'blue') which is a female.


South America - Central Argentina to Uruguay, Bolivia and southern Brazil.


Good with people, can mimic voices and whistle. Quakers bond to one person when kept in a one-Quaker home, and can be very protective of this person. They are generally thought to be the best talkers of the "smaller parrots."

 Quaker Parakeet
Quaker Parakeet
Quaker Parakeet
Quaker Parakeet
Quaker Parakeet
Quaker Parakeet
Quaker Parakeet