Physical Description
The quaker is a green bird with grey feathers on neck and forehead. The wings have hint of blue. Variations include a blue color and a very rare yellow color.
Note: The Quaker Parakeet is outlawed in many states, including : California, Wyoming, New Jersey, Hawaii, and Georgia. The reason they are outlawed in several states is because they are considered a potential agricultural pest. There are now established breeding colonies ( originally escaped pets) in several states, including New York, New Jersey, New Orleans-Louisiana, Dallas-Texas, Bridgeport/Fairfield CT, and Illinois.
11 Inches
Ave. Lifespan
30 - 35 years
For Greens -- Undeterminable by appearance. In the U.K. breeders are now breeding an 'Aquamarine' (as opposed to 'blue') which is a female.
South America - Central Argentina to Uruguay, Bolivia and southern Brazil.
Good with people, can mimic voices and whistle. Quakers bond to one person when kept in a one-Quaker home, and can be very protective of this person. They are generally thought to be the best talkers of the "smaller parrots."